The Divine Service
Sunday School
Midweek Prayer and Bible Study
9:45am & 6pm
About FLC
The people of Faith Lutheran Church are, by God’s mercy and grace, members of the broader Christian Church, saved through faith in Christ Jesus. Sometimes people ask, “why should I go to church?” Answer: because it is where Jesus is present with the saving gifts of His Holy Word and Sacraments, in which He truly imparts the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation to sinners. The sin of our first parents and our own personal sins have separated us from God the Father; the only way back to Him is through the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son.
Each service joyfully gather together to celebrate this fact and renew our hope in the future resurrection of our bodies, to be raised on the Last Day.
We would love for you to visit, and to eventually become part of our worshipping community.
For more information on our denomination and helpful links, click the button below.
Spiritual, but not Religious
One often hears this refrain when engaging with others in the public square. “I’m spiritual, but not religious.” These two things were once seen as synonymous, but no more. It seems that a growing contingent of Americans - particularly young Americans-separate the two...